Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At the opening of Iron Man. We were the only cool ones there with Iron Man shirts on.

A Big Hick-win for Hil.

I love this line, but it needs a bit of colorful editing...

"West Virginians' attitudes to race may also have helped Mrs Clinton, the surveys suggested."

The line comes from a BBC story about Clinton's win in West Virginia.

I think it should instead say: "Mrs. Clinton won due to the enormous confluence of bigots in West Virginia, the surveys suggested."

Well, excuse me. I thought it was a little more direct and to the point.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Headlines that you just have to click on.

No, I won't tell you what the headline is. But I will say that I was a bit boggled that the BBC would sink so low...and yet, I had to click, didn't I?

I always knew they'd cope well with warming. Keep 'em warm, mates.