Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Smile, you bastards! Smile.

This is just a post to say that if you plan on taking yourself so seriously, you'll need to get a new hat. A hat that says, "Hello. I'm extremely important, and you should all remember that when you're doing something that I don't agree with." If you don't have a hat like that yet, you might want to consider just chilling the fuck out.

When the world was deciding what it wanted to be it didn't ask you if it could. God is not dead. God just isn't the thing you've decided on. Why? Because you can't decide where to go to lunch today. That's why. God is all that is. Which includes but is not limited to your vision of a smiling sky-grandpa who listens to your whiny pleas. If you limit God to that smiling sky-grandpa, you're missing out on the extra-hot super-thighed sex queen that is also God, not to mention the God-as-puddle-of-algae-in-your-backyard.

This is just a post to say that the next time you decide to get really bent about someone eating your lunch, remember that the moments you wasted fuming over a grilled cheese and single serving of applesauce could have been spent writing your novel, getting down with your beloved, or just sitting next to a lake and breathing in a few cubic meters of your precious God.

That is all.

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