Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Duh. S. of A.

This is me. Asking you. To not be so GODDAMNED PROUD of your IGNORANCE!!!!!

Here is a quote I just read in a Chicago Tribune article concerning the general feeling about Obama vs. Clinton in Pennsylvania. In it, a lady in a bar (who is not alone I'm sure) talks about Obama's loquaciousness.

"'He speaks more—I don't want to say over your head—but he uses more clichés. She's more straight up. For him, I'm not quite sure what he's saying. But he says it eloquently—all the time,' said Reda, a trace of disdain evident in her final words."

Dear Jesus Christ on a fucking handcart in Mardi Gras!! It's not like the man is using twenty dollar words all the time putting on a show that he's smarter than you. It's not like he's out there every day on the campaign trail telling us how he was in the lab with Madam Curie discovering radium. (I'm sure someone is going to go write some Curie/Obama slash fiction now, you perverts). He's just a well educated guy who's got a decent command of the English language.

But what the fuck?!!! What if he WAS a Rhodes Scholar? What if he WAS really so fucking smart that his brain was huge and bulbous and made him say things that half of us couldn't understand because it was so brilliant. Would that be SO BAD??? He's running for PRESIDENT!!!!!!

Haven't you had enough of your monkey-fucking-smirkey-chimp-headed-Conneticut-by-way-of-Texas- Hillbilly-Martha's Vineyard-draft-dodging-ignoramus of a president? Haven't you had enough ignorance to last you a thousand lifetimes?

Don't you want somebody in that office who might have a fucking clue as to what's going on in the world? I know YOU don't want to know what's going on in the world. I don't always want to know either. But don't you think the FUCKING GUY IN CHARGE should FUCKING KNOW???

Okay. I'm done.

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