Monday, January 14, 2008

Sesame Street is not for kids.

Or at least it wasn't back in the day. I'm going to be a bastard and not give you a link or anything, but today I read that there's a disclaimer at the beginning of the old school Sesame Street DVD that just came out that says something along the lines of:

These old Sesame Street episodes may not be suitable for todays preschoolers. Sheild your spawn from Cookie Monster's eating disorder, Big Bird's big brown LSD induced friend, and that gay couple who do unnatural acts with latex waterfowl.

Okay, it doesn't say that exactly, but it says something LIKE that, the implication being that old school Sesame Street was just as bad as Amos and Andy. You want to be sure that if you show these episodes to your kids, you tell them first that this was aired before we all learned that Big Bird's imaginary friend is inappropriate and that no one should ever imagine anything...ever.

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