My hope is that once I get used to working so small, I may find that I want to try to make some limited print runs of these and sell them on etsy. I'm not there yet, but this is just the first one. If there's anybody who really wants this one, let me know and maybe we can do a trade.
In other news...someone called in an order for fucked up winter weather here in Chicago. I walked out the front door this morning and found myself walking on a Slurpee mixed with Jello. It was strange and silent as I walked to the bus and then, waiting a half hour for the bus, the sky began to belch forth a hideous box of nails into my face. When I finally got on the bus it felt like I'd been waterskiing behind an aircraft carrier in the Antarctic. Right now it looks like the sky just can't make up its mind. Near my window there's happy little meandering snowflakes, while further away it's a sleet soaked nightmare.
Happy February, Chicago.
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