So I came up with this idea that wouldn't let me sleep the other night. It's going to be an ongoing feature of my etsy store. I'm going to do prints and other items (perhaps magnets and t-shirts) of drawings of babies with comments next to them that show them for who they really are in some moments. Sure, everybody loves babies. I love them myself. But there are those moments where you look in their eyes and you can just tell, they'd disintegrate you if they could. Or perhaps it's more of a look that says, "I tolerate you because you feed me, and my hands don't work so good yet." Anyway, I just had this idea that wouldn't sit still, to show babies as our slave-masters, little kings and queens that barely put up with us stupid grownups. And here's the first example of that. I'm still working out the wording for the etsy description, so it's not going up there until later tonight or tomorrow probably. Gotta figure out if my printer is actually capable of making archival quality prints. I haven't the foggiest what the qualifications are if I wanted to say that. I see it everywhere, but does that mean that everybody has an archival printer who's selling that kind of thing? I dunno.
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